YES, Houston has a daylily society!
...and our name is the Houston Hemerocallis Society. We are a group of Houston, Texas area gardeners who share a love for growing daylilies. Our members come from all age groups as well as various walks of life. We have members who have just begun growing daylilies and want to learn more as well as members who have been growing daylilies for years and are ready to help the newcomers.
The purpose of our club as stated in our bylaws, is to promote and encourage the public interest in daylilies. But everyone agrees that there's another unstated purpose and that's to have fun growing our favorite flower.
Our regular club meetings are held on Thursday evenings which makes it convenient for those of us who have day jobs to attend. While we do conduct club business at each meeting, there's plenty of time for everyone to visit with other members and enjoy the night's refreshments. At each meeting we have a special program which can vary from video presentations of new daylilies or garden tours to discussions of various gardening topics. We usually have a plant raffle at each meeting which can include some newer cultivars. Check out the meetings page for meeting location and the next meeting date.
You don't have to be a member to come to a meeting. Guests are not only welcome but encouraged to attend. We think you'll find us to be a friendly group with lots of daylily information to share.
Hopefully, any additional questions you may have are answered on the pages in this site. I you can't find an answer to a specific question, please send us an
e-mail and we'll do our best to answer it.
Thanks for visiting!